If you've considered blogging you may wonder about its benefits.
- Writing a blog is like building a brand.
- Creating articles creates searchable content directing business to your specific niche
- As a teaching tool, you expose others to information they might not have acquired otherwise
If you are a blogger, you may wonder how to increase your readership.
- content is king, it is better to write original content than to copy from other sources; however, if you find an excellent source of information available on the Internet as you create a link, make sure you give credit to the author.
- ask relevant questions and create diaglog. Without diaglog from your readers, it is a one-person show which can easily grow stale.
If you've been blogging for awhile, you may wonder how do I maintain the readers I've acquired.
An excellent post called 34 reasons why people unsubscribe from your blog might provide some insight. This article was featured on the blogsite "problogger" in 2007, but remains relevant today. At that time it received 257 comments. (not bad dialog.)
You may even wonder, if I have a website, why do I need a blog.
After researching this question, it appears that having both might be advantagous for a business. A website may be better suited to "static information" what doesn't require a lot of changes; whereas a blog is all about change with "new content". There was some interesting dialog connected to this topic related to which blogging tool is best to use. The top contenders seem to be "Wordpress" and "Blogger" followed by "Blogspot" which gives us new research to do for a future article.
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