Devote Yourself to creating something that gives you purpose . . .

"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."

Tuesdays with Morrie, author Mitch Albom

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Successful Event

Wednesday evenings 3 Degrees - Connected™ kickoff event was a great success. We had between 35 and 40 participants take part in our first of three annual events to create a space for women to connect with women and stimulate business in West Michigan.

At this event we had twelve women's businesses represented by tables, two support organizations, a hostess, and one local businesses man (and his son) who conducted the gold for cash exchange which brought money to our cause to support women's businesses in underdeveloped regions of the world.

Companies represented in the first 3 Degrees - Connected™ Event were:
  1. Stock, LLC (Stacey Krastin and Sarah Kallio)
  2. Jenifer's Cakes (Jenifer Walsh)
  3. Elemental Design (Karyn Streeting)
  4. Jillyn Segroves Photography (Jillyn Segroves)
  5. Legacy Love Letters, LLC (Margret Bazany and Lisa W. Lee)
  6. Essential Designs (Lori DeVowe)
  7. JR Design (Janet Rohrs)
  8. Bennett IMPS, LLC (Becky Bennett)
  9. Freedom Wand, LLC (Deb Tacoma)
  10. Jennifer Morse Photography (Jennifer Morse)
  11. Grand Haven Chiropractic Clinic (Julie Cech)
  12. Geneva Girls Designs, LLC (Rhonda Geneva)
Stay tune to future posts tagged "The Women Behind the Business" to learn more about innovative and resourceful women of West Michigan to learn more about these ladies. Thank you to all who participated, we look forward to hearing about what positive results you receive from networking at this and future events.

The support organizations offering free advice included:
  • Innovation Works of West Michigan (Anne Sailers)
  • Muskegon Inventors Network
The volunteer hostess for our event was Joyce Aldridge.

The Gold Buyers for our kickoff event:
  • J Morgan, LTD (John and Grant Morgan)
John Morgan has graciously offered that anyone coming into his Jewelry store in downtown Grand Haven who mentions that they were referred to him through 3 Degrees - Connected, he will support our cause by writing a check to us for creating micro-loans to women's businesses in under-developed regions of the world. What was to be a one-time offer has turned into an ongoing commitment. (See post GOLD Buyer for more information about his services)

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