Devote Yourself to creating something that gives you purpose . . .

"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."

Tuesdays with Morrie, author Mitch Albom

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Calling All Entrepreneurs

I recently read a Business Week article (June 18) written by a young man in San Diego who was posing a question about evaluating the options of starting his own business or continuing his job search. He had just graduated from college with an MBA and wanted to stay in his local community. The job market was bleak. (Sound familiar?) He received several thoughtful responses to his questions. If you are interested in reading his article or hearing with other entrepreneurs told him, click this link. The best response in my opinion was "don't start your own business just because you cannot find a job".

At a recent gathering of small business entrepreneurs, one woman shared "In order to start and run your own business you must possess the three "P's" - Passion, Persistence, and Perseverance."

  • Unless you have a passion for what you are doing, you will probably find that starting your own business takes more hours in a day than you are willing to part with.
  • You need lots of persistence to work through all the obstacles that you will encounter on this journey. You may be aware of some of the obstacles you will face through diligent research, however, for every obstacle you are aware of there will be many that hit you without warning.
  • The most important "p" is perseverance, without a lot of "stick-to-it-ness" in your personality, when the going gets tough, many people bailout.
It is not my intention to scare anyone out of the incredible experience of starting your own business, but to encourage you to learn as much as you can from others who have been there and done this before you. 3 Degrees-Connected is a women's network providing the opportunity to create connections to other like-minded woman who are on the same journey. Secondly, this is to announce a new program will be starting in West Michigan in effort to support the business entrepreneur in our area. It will be called "Calling all Entrepreneurs".
The first meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, November 19, 2009, so clear your calendars and wait for the details to follow.

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